It was in Sagres that our team of marine biologists dreamed of exploring the ocean. In order to promote an active community in the conservation of the ocean, we offer boat tours for dolphin watching and birdwatching. Besides our projects in marine biology, we supervise academic thesis and internships, and deliver courses and talks. We also have some partnerships with several research institutions.

Ocean Lab is not only the name of our space but also projects our mission. Here is where our tours start, our ideas come up, and our projects get roots to grow. It’s our base. Where the team meets, and where we receive students. We also have a small informal collection of pieces that together make our museum a dream come true – all found at the beach, washed ashore, or brought from the ocean depths by our fisherman friend. Ocean creatures’ skeletons, shells, sea stars or even cuttlefish eggs are some of the things that you can find. Here you may also learn how we use every tour as an opportunity to survey and collect data on marine biodiversity inhabiting our waters.
We can´t live without it and we aim to keep it blue: our ocean, our planet.
We work with 2 types of boats: RIB’s and a motor yacht.
The RIB’s are fast boats, safe and modern, perfect if you are looking for the thrill of an oceanic adventure while searching for dolphins and other marine life, or to enjoy the beautiful landscapes from our coast. The yacht is the perfect option if you are looking for a customized tour, and if you have a preference for a more spacious, comfortable and exclusive tour. Check our “Private tours” for more details.